Minggu, 14 Juli 2019

Now it's very sick to get a job, mycro is the answer

Now being very sick to get a job and at mycro can help your work feel easy to do.
What application is that? yes it's the Mycro Application
What is Mycro?
Mycro can be interpreted as completing work easily.
Do you want to have a clean apartment but can't find the time to do it yourself?
Offer job vacancies directly in our beautifully designed Mycro application and make sure you are connected quickly with community members who can help you!

Do you want to make money quickly and easily?
Explore the Mycro application and find the job that works best for you. Register now and complete the work you want.

Mycro releases the power of local communities by implementing the Mycro protocol to connect people. Through this game change platform, it will open the door to becoming the number one market in the world to match real-time jobs.

The service that you will get when you open this application is
• Home Services
• Delivery service
• Virtual services
• Skilled services

How to use Mycro Token (MYO)


Shop for work
The methods are as follows.


Mycro's success is significantly based on intuitive usability. The need for job providers and job seekers must be met in a fast and uncomplicated way. This happens by matching the right job offer with the right job seeker. Only then did the two parties reach their goals. Good work products for job providers. Fun and tempting work for job seekers.

Why is the Blockchain?
• Use of Fast and Simple
• Trust
• Security
• Low costs

Mycro also has tokens that I will detail below
Token Info

MYO Token Name
Price of 1 MYO = 0.25 EUR
Available Bonuses
Prizes Available
Platform Ethereum
Receive ETH
Soft cap 3,500,000 EUR
Hard cover 14,000,000 EUR
Mycro's vision is to make it a task for the mycro team to protect the lives of the most valuable gifts offered to people.

When connecting Mycro to all regardless of origin or any social ranking. Limited time. Mycro also can't take or extend time. In today's world, Mycro's time is mostly externally controlled. Time is controlled by Mycro's work, Mycro customers, and Mycro's social obligations.

Therefore, Mycro believes that everyone in the world has the right to control their own time. This is Mycro's vision to facilitate the work of someone who is busy like him without taking care of his own homework.

For this reason, Mycro will create a balance between time and money. Mycro will also build a global peer-to-peer network that is feasible for simple jobs. where people all over the world have to choose what they do, when and for whom they work and how much time they have.

Mycro's mission is to give everyone access to this opportunity no matter whether they come from a village in Vietnam, suburban Berlin or from Downtown Manhattan.

If you want to join, you can join [Mycro] (https://www.mycrojobs.io)
Glory now, don't let you lose the moment where this application really helps you in making it easier and easier for you to work too.

So you will be able to make things easier when you can work.
And for workers who are busy with their work without ever thinking about cleaning your house. You can use this application to solve problems in your home.

Where the first goal is created and in the form of Mycro is to simplify your work.

Mycro team and Advisory


Only this can I explain.
For more information, you can visit the Mycro Website
You can also join the Telegram Group so you can find out every update that is informed.
For those who like bounty, you can also join the Bounty
Or visit the official website below:

Website: http://www.mycrojobs.io/
Whitepaper: https://www.mycrojobs.io/download/Mycro-Whitepaper-EN.pdf
Medium: https://medium.com/mycrojobs
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mycrojobs/
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@mycro
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5008139.0
Telegram: https://t.me/mycrojobs
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mycrojobs
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mycro.jobs/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mycrojobs/
Instagram: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1Gk4r0HRGFnOMfX3tWEfGw/
Github: https://github.com/mycro-jobs/

  Username: warna warni dunia
BTT link:
Eth (address):

Rabu, 01 Agustus 2018

Gem4me Market space -The largest and most convenient mobile application space for fast sales and safe purchases. join us

Greetings my dear friends. Gem4me Market Space is the first global universal platform to sell products and services.
Gem4me Market Space was developed based on the latest technology and includes advanced technologies such as chatbots, blockchain, FINTECH and artificial intelligence. The team combines them into one project they work on together, complementing and strengthening one another, to offer the best service to platform users.
The main goal is to make Gem4me Market Space the largest and most convenient mobile application for fast sales and safe purchases. The use of modern technology makes it possible to create a comfortable and secure Gem4me Market Platform, which has undisputed advantages for customers.
In late April, a beta version of the Chatbot Market Room was released, with which users can easily and quickly create their own stores.
Currently, the bots are being tested and the platform is being filled with stores.

General information about ICO

Token: GMC
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Quantity: 12,876,500,000 GMC
Price: 1 GMC = 0.01

Soft stamp: 3,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 70,000,000 USD

Quantity: for sales
Starting: 01.07.2018
Settlement: 14.08.2018
from 10,000 GMC 10%
from 150,000 GMC 15%
from 500,000 GMC 20%
from 1.000.000 GMC 25%


Quantity: 7,000,000,000 GMC
Starting: 15.08.2018
Completion: 20.09.2018
days 1-7 10%
days 8-14 7.5%
on 15-21 days 5%
in 22-28 days 2.5%
at 29-37 days 1%


Valery Ostrikov
Co-founder, Chief Executive Officer

Natalia Arshavskaya
Co-founder, Chief Visionary Officer

Alexander Kachanovsky
Co-founder, Chief Operating Officer

Bruno Horn.
Chief Finance Officer

Mikhail Khusainov
Chief Digital Officer, CEO & Co-founder of Crypto Cashback, Crypto Signals

Michael Small
Chief Information Officer, Crypto Cashback, Crypto Signals

Olga Finkel
CEO of Gem4me Holdings, Ltd.

Marina Trofimova
Project manager

Alexander Minakov
Head of US and European Investor Relations

Sergey Repko
Chief Investor, Asian Relations

James Kehagias
Product Development Manager

Armands Buss
CEO of Frigate

Alice Malina
IR Manager

Stefano Virgil
Chief Strategy Officer, Asian Market Advisor


Simon Coking

Jason Hung

Philip Nunn

Vladimir Nikitin

Nikolay Shkilev


2015 Q3
The beginning of the development of the Gem4me messenger
First version publication on Android and iOS platforms
2016 Q1
Mark 1000 users of Gem4me
2017 Q1
Passing 1 000 000 mark of Gem4me users
2017 Q3
Starting from Gem4me Market Space development platform based on Gem4me
2017 Q4
Development and release of the web version of the Gem4me messenger
Development and release of the alpha version of the Back4Cash service
Start working with Icobox
2018 Q1
Development and release of voice conference for 64 participants in gem4me messenger
Development and release of Back4Cash Telegram
2018 Q2
Initial personal sales and public announcements of ICO Gemme Coin (GMC)
Give a sign of 5 000 000 Gem4me users
Development and launch of Gem4me Market Space, pinplugin Dukascopy Bank
Development and release of Stripe.com bots
Development and release of RichLand telegram
Development and release of Gem4me Back4Cash bot
Development and release of P2P video chat
2018 Q3
Starting from the sale of public token, the main edition of Gemme Coin token (GMC) and its distribution
Development and release of Smart Wallet + Personal Finance services
Development and release of Crypto / Fiat Services
Develop and launch the advertising platform, Gemme Ads
Development and release of Escrow
Development and disposal of social services (local businesses) + B2C and C2C Reputation
2018 Q4
Platform for Decentralization (Bacchanale) Market Room Gem4me
AI for Back4Cash, RichLand, and Gemme services
KYC (know your client) / AML (anti money laundering)
Secure wallet / payment / micro credit
Multi-Client: Crypto + Fiat
2019 Q1-2
Online payment gateway for e-Commerce
Offline POS (point of sale, place of sale) and QR terminal (fast response, fast response) for businesses
2019 Q3-4
Split / messenger / p2p / micro-loans p2p + Reputation
Smart Wallet integration with Bank cards and Bank accounts from various regions of the world
Debit cards from different publishers and virtual debit cards
Completion of work on the creation of global trading platform from closed cycle "without borders»

And Soon You Are Joining The Highly Profitable Gem4me App

More info:

Author BY: semarsatosi


EternalTrusts - 成为未来成功的大公司之一。


对于潜在投资者或投资者而言具有价值的分散项目是将迅速增长的项目之一,因为数字资产交换的变化在今年早些时候已经显着增加。该网络定义使用来自全球其他平台平台的完全独特的主题,其平衡价值和投资流程具有比现代数字资产交易所需资本更高的利润价值。 Blokchin Eternal Trust是第一次将独特的象征性创意经济理念引入市场经济的平台,可以从个人和数字资产交易平台的交易开始。

永恒的信念 - 是连锁产业的一个产业,它经历了良好的业绩和良好的想法,基于直接开放投资者通过象征性投资更开放的可能性的系统。由于生产将部署该公司与第一平台托盘的一个帮助投资者更关心的是经济疲软,许多互助作为可兑换注册用户链块的投资理念遭受世界。永恒信托平台的一些重要观点这将是大多数在这个平台上开展业务的注册投资者或潜在投资者开展业务的时刻。

响应永恒信托平台上的共同条件是收入来源,确保买卖双方之间互利生态系统的平衡价值。在这种情况下,如果投资者是一个平均概率大于投资回报的经济概念,那么想要在这个平台上获利的投资者中,象征性销售将更为常见。的能力,联系他的下一个项目 - 合法安全的营销项目中的重大努力在烟草产品,并在纸浆和造纸工业的令牌,开始工作,在战术的一个分析系统的平衡和想法被许多投资者解决,EternalTrust是一个分散的阻止平台,旨在创造投资,影响基金管理的积极方面,以投资这个平台;换句话说,这个平台是世界各地投资者的聚集地。





EternalTrusts)平台未来作为第一代平台,为投资者提供无法及时解决问题的解决方案,每次都改变市场中的加密变化或加密价格的通常高点和低点这个平台潜在用户他们已准备好在他们的移动设备上自动接收通知。世界不会发挥作用。目标是创建一个生态系统,概念化交易者和用户之间的互利,以及一个可以永久促进收入稳定的平台。为了解决大多数投资者的问题,Eternal Trusts做出决定,提供智能解决方案,该平台可以帮助您提高性能并轻松访问您的帐户。

















基础设施协议的结论。 在苏黎世开设代表处











warna warni dunia

Eth adres:

Jumat, 27 Juli 2018

Bineuro - Este sistema é desenvolvido por uma equipe de especialistas com anos de experiência prática em marketing online.

No marketing on-line de hoje, é uma das formas mais básicas de manter uma empresa de publicidade. Esta é uma empresa muito lucrativa, porque requer mão de obra e custos monetários mínimos. BiNeuro é inteligência artificial - uma rede neural que pode aprender e acumular experiências. O sistema foi desenvolvido por uma equipe de especialistas com anos de experiência prática em marketing on-line, matemática aplicada e programação. O Sistema BiNeuro é criado pela UCT World Corporation. Ele é baseado em uma rede neural que cria as chamadas imagens de destino das contas de publicidade PPC, mantendo configurações e parâmetros eficazes. Quando o BiNeuro recebe dados sobre uma nova campanha publicitária, o sistema analisa e encontra a imagem de destino da conta mais eficaz entre os semelhantes na mesma área. As configurações do sistema selecionadas são transferidas para a nova conta da campanha.

O núcleo da ação da plataforma é quando escalar o BiNeuro traduzindo-o para a interface WEB, por sua vez, permitirá que até mesmo uma pequena agência de publicidade conduza campanhas de publicidade online para grandes clientes de forma independente e eficiente.

Por favor, veja o vídeo abaixo para uma pequena informação sobre Bineuro

A plataforma do BiNeuro compreende as seguintes características:

Data Science Technology - data science, estudando a análise, processamento e uso da informação digital;
Aprendizado de máquina, baseado em redes neurais. O programa analisa as informações obtidas anteriormente, bem como o método de seu uso, compara-as com novas informações e seleciona opções similares;
Big Data - o fenômeno do "big data", implica trabalhar com uma grande quantidade de informações;
Análise do espectro singular - SSA, método de análise de séries temporais;
Lógica fuzzy da lógica fuzzy - baseada no conceito de conjuntos fuzzy;
Árvore de decisão - um método para análise automatizada de dados;
A plataforma BiNeuro é desenvolvida com base na rede Ethereum, que permite utilizar os chamados contratos inteligentes em sua estrutura. A utilização de tais contratos irá melhorar significativamente a eficácia das campanhas de marketing, bem como garantir a transparência e segurança de todas as operações realizadas na plataforma do BiNeuro.

Este projeto baseia-se na tecnologia Blockchine para atender a todas as possíveis necessidades de agentes, freelancers, especialistas, contratados, blogueiros, agentes offline, clientes, etc.

O ecossistema do BiNeuro oferece as seguintes opções:

classificação confiável dos participantes do ecossistema, com base no feedback apenas daqueles que realmente usam e pagam pelos serviços (essa função é fornecida pelo Blockchain);
buscando clientes, parceiros, contratados, trabalho e funcionários com a ajuda de um sistema de inteligência artificial baseado em classificações confiáveis, confirmado pela Blockchain;
a conclusão do acordo, a implementação de pagamentos e outras transações entre os participantes Ecossistema usando contrato inteligente.
Anúncios RRS no Google.
Durante a campanha, o BiNeuro leva em conta 1000 parâmetros para clientes pequenos e até 300.000 para grandes lojas online e reage a situações de mudança no modo 24/7. Em comparação, os especialistas digitais de alto nível podem "lembrar" os melhores 40 parâmetros e dedicar uma hora a vários dias a partir de campanhas separadas.

Detalhes do ICO

Nome do Token - BiNeuro
Plataforma - Ethereum
Símbolo de símbolo - BNR
O número de tokens emitidos é de 850.000.000 BNR
Investimento mínimo - 500 BNR
A taxa de token é de 1 BNR = 0,0001 ETH
Tampa Dura - 47.000 ETH
Soft Cap - não disponível

Informações de contato.

Website: https://bineuro.com/web/
VTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3229031.0
Recompensa VTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3408613.0
Telegrama: https://t.me/BiNeuroChannel/
Telegrama PT: https://t.me/BiNeuroTokenSaleEN/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BiNeuroPartnersEN/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BiNeuroPartners/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbLBP9uZQfZ7mmsAaqeGxLQ/
Meios de comunicação:
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/BiNeuro/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bineuro/?trk=organization-update_share-update_update-text

NOME DO USUÁRIO: warna wani dunia


Rabu, 25 Juli 2018




Viva平台将使用智能合约进行众筹家庭贷款,将借款人和直接投资者连接在分散的分散生态系统中。通过利用超安全的区块链交易,Viva削减了经纪人,为所有各方带来了更有利可图和更有效的贷款流程。 Viva允许自由市场确定借款人抵押贷款的利率,并消除对银行和其他金融中介机构的需求。通过消除当地金融系统的低效率,抵押贷款利率将更加公平,并准确反映与资产真实价值相关的风险水平。

Viva旨在通过切断中介机构和分散流程来彻底改变过时的抵押贷款行业,从而应用从根本上更容易获得和透明的融资方法。我们认为,该技术万岁将提高信贷的可用性借款人及首次允许非机构投资者参与了一致,并支持相关的抵押贷款投资,这是传统上只用于大型金融机构的产品资产的回报。 ,

此外,通过允许自由市场决定每个抵押贷款的风险和相关价值 - 而不是银行 - 我们期望看到更公平的抵押贷款。 Viva平台将在发达国家和发展中国家被他们利用,使世界能够迈出实现地域财富平等的重要一步 - 打破障碍,使双方都变得更好。


此外,万岁用作投资和储蓄,只能用手机来访问的平台,意味着所有用户万岁将有机会获得信贷融资,储蓄和投资账户,并安全交易服务的支持blockchain标准 - 无论他们居住的国家。








当银行在2008年失败时,他们带来了世界上第一个加密货币之一,并开始分散金融集团的权力。 Viva现在正在寻找完成这一过程的方法,从而将旧的,传统的和完全过时的融资系统的所有权力 - 留在过去,他们已经有很长一段时间。



本轮是初始贡献阶段的第三轮(预售)。预售回合,投资者在投资时可获得35%的奖金。该轮将在30天内完成,或者直到共计贡献了6,870个ETH。一个以太币的汇率为46,511 VIVA。

ICO的价格:1 ETH = 35,714 VIVA
1至1.9 ETH:5%
1.9至2.9 ETH:10%
2.9至7 ETH:15%
总令牌供应:4,000,000,000 VIVA
待售代币:3,000,000,000 VIVA







Q1和Q2 - 2018年
推出Generation Token Events和MVP开发。 开展大规模的营销活动。

Q3 - 2018年
开发Real Value 2.0 App。 获得法律和监管许可。

Q4 - 2018年
启动Real Value 2.0应用程序。 完成独有的ML算法。

开始分阶段推出Viva Network Platform。

启动Viva Network Platform并成功通过Viva抵押贷款融资系统筹集首笔住房贷款。



ANN THREAD:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3430485.0;all


论坛用户名:warna warni dunia

Senin, 23 Juli 2018

Want to Share Charity with Others ... And Fear of Being Cheated, HUMANCOIN Is the Solution.

It is now found that a large number of people leave their changes on the streets and even give impulsive contributions to charities regularly.
Charity - this is what people do regularly, but the most surprising thing is that technological progress has not been fully applied to charity, the only thing that is remarkable is the role that monasteries spent two hundred years ago, and this method now adopted by a philanthropic foundation.

Related online P2P platforms and blockchain technology intrusion contribute to solving major problems in the industry, and also provide a strong impetus for further development.
Here are some ways that blockchain platforms can offer help.
• Donors will be able to monitor transactions to ensure that their funds are properly spent, as expected.

• Charitable organizations will also be able to demonstrate fairness, clearly showing how they use the funds they provide.

• The payment system will be simplified, and issues related to crypto currency conversion will be resolved.

• Transaction costs can be reduced through the automation of all processes.

There is no doubt that there is a great development in the way of donating, but even for this purpose the charitable branch could not overcome its main obstacle, which is a lack of trust.
Donors, who are mostly private firms, face the problem of trust, sacrificing, because there is no means to confirm whether the fund will receive a timely exit.
It was also found that most of the donated funds are kept as administrative expenses, which are usually used for charitable foundations.
Operating costs are also a big problem, as most individuals and businesses usually have to spend their good intentions ultimately to cover transaction costs for the transaction.

A long-term charity chain consisting of banks, NGOs, state bodies and law firms will be completed by distributed book technology. Using the blockchain platform can provide a digital mechanism that will be used to record and view any transaction.

This new technology on a larger scale will also facilitate the development of direct financing platforms. Philanthropists also benefit greatly from automated intellectual contracts, as this will allow grantees to use their funds after they have successfully coped with so many conditions.

The growth of the charitable industry will be significantly increased due to the great advantages that blockchain technology can offer.

In the charitable aspect, there are several blockbuster projects available, and some of them include cherr.io, help, purification, bcharity, etc. These projects are only in niches or local endeavors that do not work outside the philanthropic industry.

The Humancoin Foundation will be able to integrate the charitable industry, the crypto currency market and e-commerce in one project.
This type of ecosystem will be able to provide new incentives for donors, offering them the opportunity to take advantage of the many available loyalty programs that exist around the world.

• Conversion of Humancoin tokens will be very easy to convert to any point, mile, bonus and coupon. Owners of these tokens will be encouraged to keep tokens for a long time, there will be a steady demand for a token.

• The popularity of the marker will grow as the number of partners and the amount of cooperation in the Humancoin network grow.

• Affordable evidence of charity, which is mining, will allow projects to scale hundreds and thousands of times.

• It will be the first block link that has ever been able to become an aggregator of the global e-commerce loyalty program.

• The sign will have a unique advantage in the development of loyalty programs with partners creating a strong emotional resonance due to its association with philanthropy.
• Instead of competing with other existing programs, the Humancoin token will be integrated effortlessly into an existing system, only an established conversion rate is required.

The main destructive advantage of a human coin is that the project blockchain will for the first time have a project that will have the potential to become a global aggregator of the many loyalty programs that will emerge in the field of e-commerce because of the support that will be received from the charitable industry.

• Humancoin will become an open platform for P2P, which will allow the benefactor to receive a direct point donation. The project will not be tied to any organization, since there are so many charitable organizations around the world.
• Artificial use of the received token will not be compulsory for charitable operations. Any project based on the platform will give a convenient specification for the type of fiat or crypto currency that he wants to use.
• The most popular crypto and currency currencies are easily managed by the Humancoin platform. Usually there are no restrictions for projects and even users when it comes to using currency.
• Priority of this project remains integration and compatibility with existing popular market solutions.
• There will be a limited fee of 5% for horticulture to raise funds, and this will be used for future platform support, but the commission charged by existing charitable funds may be up to 20-30%.
• The platform will be able to use the function of the most functional and user-friendly interface.
• If the donor wants, he can decide to leave his fund in the pool of people, the system will automatically allocate money for the projects with the highest rating from the platform community.
• The first platform for hiring professionals will become Humancoin.
• Additional options will also be available on the platform, so users can also pay for Humancoin tokens, in which case additional benefits will be highlighted.

The names of Humancoin are the ERC20 tokens, they are also lottery loyalty rewards, and they are part of the international loyalty program.


The humancoin icon that will be purchased during the sale of the marker will have the value of the loyalty award lottery, which means that they can be used to obtain discounts from Humancoin partners, and they can also be sold on crypto-exchanges.
At the end of the sale of the marker, the influenza marker will be available for purchase, and they can also be obtained or obtained at an equal share in any donation in half at the weighted average exchange rate.

This is an existing p2p platform and an ecosystem in which donors, recipients and e-commerce players will participate.
The interface of this platform allows participants to quickly send donations to any country with a popular currency, which will allow you to track transactions and design charity projects.
The Humancoin platform has been designed specifically to facilitate the interaction process, and this will largely be done between philanthropists and beneficiaries.


Pre-sales will be held from 1 July to 15 August 2018.
Token sales will take place from 15 September to 1 November 2018.
It is expected that tokens will grow by $ 1 per minute.
Softcap will be $ 6 per minute.
Hardcap will be $ 26 per minute.
Available tokens for sale are 3 055 000 000.
Pre-sales will be 150,000,000 with a 50% bonus.
In the first phase the sales of tokens will be 945 000 000 with a bonus of 35%.
The second stage for the token sale will be 960 000 000, and he will get 20% of the bonus.
The third stage for token sales will be 1,000,000,000 with a 0% bonus.
Any other tokens that remain unsold will be burned.
Token will be allocated to a private user account, and distribution will be done after the token sale, and it will be listed in the popular crypto swap list.

Website: https://www.humancoin.net/
Technical documentation: http://docs.humancoin.net/HumanCoin_whitepaper_en.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Human-Coin-1049107488575656
Twitter: https://twitter.com/humancoinnet
Telegram: https://t.me/HumancoinChat
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/humancoinnet
Ann: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4469466

from: warna warni dunia
bitcointalk profile link:
ETH: 0xD93BCAdFFbD283f8552b3a274B424f02c5CA2802

Minggu, 22 Juli 2018

GSC Platform Company.

GSC Platform Company is located in France, in the southwest, the land of gastronomy, winemaking and festive atmosphere.

Payroll development plans focus on recruiting students in IT Supply Chain / Supply Chain to be trained in tomorrow's technical challenges.

Of course, Maxime will continue to strategically recruit abroad to strengthen his team and always better meet the expectations of GSC Aviation customers, partners, investors and communities.

Being an open character to the world and multiculturalism, having a strong point in relationships, Maxime Legros expects his company in its image, open to the world, vibrant and ambitious.

Therefore, he recruits his team from diverse cultures, all in common with his desire to succeed in an ambitious project that requires sustained and perfect action from each.

With seven years of experience in purchasing, and has spent many hours a week, sending RFIs, finding suppliers, assigning spheres and securing supply chains by tracking supplier performance using KPI (Main Performance Indicator), Maxime felt the need for tools like GSC Aviation, substantive analyze the buyer's market.

Our offer

We believe that our automated, decentralized and blockchain-based GSC solution makes perfect sense in the current situation of trust and efficiency that becomes essential in transactions between parties that often do not know each other.

GSC Aviation combines the effectiveness of battle-tested databases for queries
processes with the security of the blockchain technology to provide a shared and reliable platform to update the information, such as the financial soundness of the suppliers, the quality standards and the MRO data (maintenance repair and revision).

In the background, an extensive and decentralized computer network records every transaction made by any member of the supply chain in a shared ledger (the blockchain) that is updated continuously and collectively in real time.

In addition, a consensus algorithm that runs on all those computers ensures the validity of each transaction and prevents fraud and malicious attacks.

Our platform includes three key features:

Replacing slow, manual and repetitive processes, most of which rely entirely on paper, such as billing and shipping, for the fastest and most digital, which benefit from a wide range of 'smart contracts'

Electronic agreements that are self-executing according to predefined rules that virtually guarantee the performance of often unknown suppliers, our solution allows companies to avoid conventions.

ways to

Establish trust and find new, more innovative and more responsive suppliers, while saving considerable time and money.
Based on blockchain technology, secure, inviolable, instantly available and highly relevant information in the GSC Aviation database will provide perfect traceability, as well as planned obsolescence management of all available equipment and will offer a total security guarantee for all MROs, airlines and CAMO customers, which substantially reduces the risk of accidents due to a related human error.

Due to the immutable, transparent and audible characteristics of the blockchain technology, GSC Aviation could be a response to the pressure for increasingly effective fraud detection processes.

Our goal is to provide aeronautical professionals with quality resources, blockchain technology security and efficient purchasing protocols to allow economies of scale for players in the aerospace industry by optimizing the supply chain as a whole.

Start of presale: July 1, 2018

Duration: 24 days
Cap: € 1,200,000
Token price: € 0.02
Minimum purchase: € 2,000
Maximum purchase: € 100,000
Start of Tokensale: July 24, 2018

Duration: 90 days

Soft Cap: € 4,000,000
Hard Cap: € 46,200,000 *
Price of the token: € 0.05 / € 0.10
Minimum purchase: € 100
Maximum purchase: € 400,000
Sale of ICO cards 60%

CREW 25%

Reservation of the company 10%
Advisors 2%
Bounty 3%

Road map


A total of 23.4 million GSC tokens are reserved for the rewards campaign
15% Signing of BitcoinTalk and Avatar Campaign
5% of Telegram Bounty
10% Translations and moderation of ANN and Whitepaper
10% of blog bonuses and articles
40% Twitter + Facebook (20% for Twitter and 20% for Facebook)
10% of YouTube bonuses
10% reserved for special Bounty


GSC Aviation: https://gscplatform.io/
WHITEPAPER: https://gscplatform.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/ENG-WP-GSC-AVIATION-07062018.pdf/
ANNOUNTCEMENT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4438272
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/GSCAviation
FACEBOOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GSCPlatform
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/GSCAviationOfficial/

Author: warna warni dunia

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